It's Never Ending!!!

I woke up this morning not to my alarm, but to what sounded like World War 3 coming from my kids bedroom!!! I seriously thought someone was being murdered... Come to find out little Miss Emma,   {my youngest child} has started in yet another day of continuest fighting with everyone in the house. EMMA, believe she can have whatever she wants whenever she wants. Even if that involves hurting a sibling. When Emma gets mad ya better Alert the media cause all hell is about to break loose! This morning Emma decided she would throw scissors at her brother cause he wouldn't allow her to draw on his papers!!! 

ME: Are you allowed to have scissors without asking me?
ME: So why do you have them?
EMMA: cause i found them.
ME: Are you allowed to hurt your brother or sisters?
EMMA: No... but i wanted to draw on aidyns picture
ME: Do you like it when someone hurts you? 
ME: Than why do you think its OK to hurt someone else, cause you can really seriously hurt someone with scissors Emmie, that's not good at all.... You should have come to mommy if you had a problem, you need go corner and think about what you did!

Getting Emma in a timeout is like almost impossible! This little girl thinks shes the boss of everyone in the house!!!! GRRRRRRRRR
After an hour of trying to keep Emma in the corner she finally was ready to apologize to her brother and myself.
Everyday consist of me yelling at top my lungs just to be heard, cause I'm invisible to my kids. Seriously if i were their ages I'd be terrified of my mother if she yelled at me the way i do with them...

Time to go I'm pretty sure second round of World War 3 is happening in the living room of my house!
Til next time.............


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